The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25 NLT)
Thank you for your generous support of Catskill Mountain Christian Center in 2012. Your friendship has fueled the turbine generators of CMCC, producing an ever-increasing current of life, hope, goodness and grace. From our most basic work as a living church community, the love of Jesus Christ is carried, like a power grid, to our programs and services reaching the local community, greater region and even to the remote corners of the world. Through your giving in 2012, God is glorified, the Gospel is preached, the weak are strengthened, the poor enriched, the suffering comforted and the brokenhearted restored. Praise God and thank you, thank you, thank you!
We had many highlights in 2012 but I especially enjoyed our summer bluegrass concert series. Offered as a way to lift up the spirits of our broken community in the wake of the devastating flood of August 28, 2011, CMCC hosted a free concert each Wednesday evening throughout the summer of 2012. Hundreds of neighbors attended over the season to enjoy the live bluegrass music and our old-fashioned, mountain hospitality. A new gazebo on our CMCC lawn as a stage created a perfect setting and as the sun went down each week behind our beautiful chapel, I felt like I was standing in a Thomas Kinkade painting!
I will always remember: folks gathered around the gazebo on lawn chairs, neighbors chatting with one another, families sitting together on blankets, children playing on the back lawn, a fiddler tearing up the old bluegrass standard, “Orange Blossom Special,” our CMCC youth group selling refreshments, everyone smiling and just enjoying being together. Truly a slice of Americana at its best and furthermore, a pure expression of love for our neighbors!
Thank you once more for making this life and all of the blessings of CMCC possible!