Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back Up to Full Speed!

Here we are at the end of September with leaves changing, school in motion, cooler days, mums in bloom, apple picking time, baseball season's waning as football season's gaining and everything here at CMCC back up to full speed after a long lazy, hazy, crazy summer. I'm lovin' it!

This is a great time of year to get involved in a home group if you are not already in one. Through home group participation we meet new friends, pray for one another and learn rich insight from God's Word. Have you attended Wednesday evening service lately? If not, come out and get a mid-week shot-in-the-arm with worship and Bible teaching by Nancy Engelhardt... very enjoyable.

We also have volunteer opportunities at CMCC to serve the poor in our Family Table store and to serve our neighbors through nursing home ministry or weekly senior fellowship dinner. Contact the church office for info on any of these. Through participation in church activities we serve and are served causing us to grow and flourish as children of God's household.

The story of the woman washing, anointing and kissing Jesus feet in Luke 7:36-50 reminds us that the right reaction to God's forgiveness of our sins is a self-emptying expression of love.

That's why CMCC is long regarded as a church that cares for our neighbors and our God. And thus our motto: With our hands we serve our neighbors, with our mouths we speak of God's Kingdom. I encourage you to look for ways to pour out love on God and on others.

See you Sunday,
Pastor Bob Engelhardt

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Letter to CMCC from Dr. Larry & Judi Keefauver

Dear Saints at CMCC,

Judi and I are so thankful to the Lord for you. For over a decade we have witnessed your faithfulness to the gospel and experienced your love toward us. Pastor Bob and Nancy Engelhardt have encouraged and edified us in so many ways as we have partnered together in ministry and friendship. Relationships and friendships have grown as we have been serving Christ together in ministry, missions, equipping the saints and outreach.

In the beginning, we connected via phone interviews with Pastor Engelhardt on some of our books and then we moved into sharing together in conferences, retreats, seminars and worship services. We have worked together on marriage, parenting, men's and women's ministry, equipping leaders and seeking a deeper walk in the Lord through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. And now... God has spoken to us to move to the Catskills to work apostolically with the Engelhardts and CMCC to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to pastor pastors, to network together and resource churches and ministries throughout the region. We have come home to CMCC as our church--a family of co-laborers with Christ. Wow, what a gift from God!

God has shown us a vision of this region ablaze with fires of the Holy Spirit in towns, villages and hamlets. A bonfire in Margaretville at CMCC spreading throughout the region to ignite the hearts of the saints to share the gospel and see people saved, healed, delivered and discipled throughout the Catskills and beyond. John the Baptist announced that Jesus would, "...baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire" (Matthew 3:11). Upon declaring His ministry to the lost, Jesus said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Mt. 4:17).

Fire follows repentance. As saints repent of sins that hinder their daily walk with Christ and witness to others, they become salt and light in the world reaching the lost. As the lost are saved and discipled, they join God's army to possess the land. CMCC is part of the Joshua generation in advancing the Kingdom of God is this region and beyond. We must focus on the Great Commission given to us by Christ. We must repent of the sin that so easily besets us and fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. We must fight through any attacks of the enemy or the flesh recognizing that no matter how long or tough the battle, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.

Together, we must finish the work and assignments Jesus gives us so that every victory becomes the foundation for the next advancement of His Kingdom in families, business, media, the arts and entertainment, government, education and religion. We are called to convert the lost, renew and equip the saints, support the leaders of Christ's church, and transform every aspect of culture so that every knee bows to Jesus Christ as Lord.

One motto of a popular home improvement store is, "You can do it; we can help." Judi and I say that to you. We want to thank you for helping us move into our home, the wonderful flowers, food and gifts to help us get settled and even more, the gracious spirit from the Lord that has welcomed us here. We have come to serve, equip, edify, support and help. We want to be like Priscilla and Aquila (Acts 18:18-23) who were with Paul, even as we are with you and the Engelhardts, for the purpose of "strengthening all the disciples." To us you are a dear family. How we rejoice in this new season of being with you and praise God for you.

Jesus, ignite every believer here at CMCC and throughout this region so that the Holy Spirit and Fire will burn away every hindrance and wash away every sin so that we may win the lost to Jesus, equip the saints, strengthen families, heal the sick, mend broken hearts, set free the captives and transform culture. Empower us as a mighty army to possess this land in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Dr. Larry & Judi Keefauver